Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
2 min.
The cutest couple from Val Venosta/Vinschgau
Side by side, through thin and thick... and on the shelf of many bakeries. Try the delicious Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau. Two is better than one! They’re an absolute dream team, and can’t do without each other. They make others happy, ...
05. August 2024 by Südtirol Privat
3 min.
Such a COOL idea!
Finally hot summer days, lots of sunshine, and warm temperatures. What else do you need? Cool relaxation! So cool, so refreshing: our 4 top tips The best feeling ever? Dipping your burning feet in cool water after a long hike or bike ride in the ...
04. July 2024 by Südtirol Privat
2 min.
“Guarda mamma, una marmotta!”
During a hike in South Tyrol there’s so much to experience for young and old: spectacular views, fresh mountain air ... and shy marmots! Leading role: the Dolomites Imagine this: step by step, you walk along narrow paths , that wind through wide ...
12. June 2024 by Südtirol Privat
3 min.
A golden dream: our funnel cake
It’s the culmination of a pleasant hike, the reward after a summit tour, or simply a savoury afternoon snack. Sweet, golden, curly: our funnel cake “Strauben” is a traditional South Tyrolean funnel cake . Light and airy on the inside, golden and ...
09. May 2024 by Südtirol Privat
2 min.
For those who just can’t get enough of skiing
Goodbye winter? Nah! Here’s where you can keep on skiing. Skiing in the kingdom of King Ortles/Ortler Do you know this feeling? When everybody is talking about how wonderful spring is, with the blossoming almond trees and magnolias, the chirping ...
04. April 2024 by Südtirol Privat
3 min.
Hen, rabbit, or braid?
Sweet bread, colourful eggs, and savoury Easter ham ... we find the Easter season irresistibly delicious! Sweet and fluffy: South Tyrolean Easter braided bread Some love it pure, other with jam or chocolate spread, other prefer it with traditional ...
11. March 2024 by Südtirol Privat
3 min.
Schnoppviecher, Perkeo – Speak simply!
If you’ve already been to Bolzano and Environs, you probably know what we’re talking about: 2024 is a “Perkeo year” . If you don’t have a clue, then keep on reading. Maschggra time is here! Maschggra: that’s what we call carnival in Bolzano and ...
05. February 2024 by Südtirol Privat
The Krampus demons are loose
The Krampus demons are loose   The popular figure of Father Christmas began its triumphant progress through the world several decades ago and, sitting on his sledge being pulled through the air by reindeers with red noses, has become the superhero ...
24. November 2023
Winter magic with a difference
Have you ever thought about a winter holiday in the Upper Vinschgau Valley? As well as the wonderful ski pistes, there is also plenty of tobogganing fun, not to mention the cross-country ski trails or the peaks for ski mountaineers. You can read my ...
03. November 2023 by Sabine
It’s pan-tastic!
A large cast-iron pan full of Überetscher muas brings conviviality into the kitchen. In the fifth of my food portraits, I tell you the recipe for a classic muas – wonderful “gut feeling” included! It’s pan-tastic! Food portrait: Überetscher muas ...
05. October 2023 by Sabine
3 min.
Pure as the driven snow(milk)!
The fourth part of my food portraits introduces Schneemilch, a traditional dessert from the Vinschgau Valley that’s hard to resist. And the best thing with this feel-good food is that it can be prepared in almost no time, with just a few ...
02. October 2023 by Sabine
3 min.
City trips to South Tyrol
Sterzing, once home to the Fugger dynasty; Brixen, seat of the bishops; and Bruneck, Italy’s most liveable small town – these three cities in South Tyrol have it all, and make great destinations for your next city break. Read why you should visit! A ...
01. September 2023 by Sabine
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Südtirol Privat on tour

Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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